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historichousefitters - Bean Entrance Thumblatch Set Hand-forged Iron
P E R I O D   L I G H T I N G  •  H A N D C R A F T E D    I N   U . S . A .

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D) Haddam Lantern

This is the latest addition to our collection of 18th Century designs. Its sturdy appearance is offset by the large top ring. Open at the bottom. Available in 3 sizes.

E) Cambridge Lantern

Originally imported from England, the cylindrical body of this lantern spreads light all the way around its circumference. Available in 2 sizes.

F) Watch Hill Lantern

The curved outer roof of this design presents a more  formal appearance for your home. Solid wire grating protects the glass.

Part Number Description Cost  Product Options Qty
Wall Lanterns  
D 9813-5L Haddam Wall Lantern: Large
* OverSize Package Cost $20.00
9813-5M Haddam Wall Lantern: Medium
* OverSize Package Cost $15.00
9813-5S Haddam Wall Lantern: Small
* OverSize Package Cost $10.00
E 9809-5L Cambridge Wall Lantern: Large
* OverSize Package Cost $35.00
9809-5S Cambridge Wall Lantern: Small
* OverSize Package Cost $20.00
F 9806-5 Watch Hill Wall Lantern
* OverSize Package Cost $35.00
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